NO RAGRETS is a movement founded by Alvin Chong: a man of strapping stature and well glazed over with the treacle of awesome; but dissatisfied, discontent and highly disturbed.

...with an overly math and science-focused educational curriculum, extremely regimented and highly imbalanced school systems leading everyone - parents, teachers, but sadly most of all, students - to chase the almighty grade, but completely miss the forest for the trees.
Foregoing the essential lessons of critical thinking and learning for its own sake, to focus on rote memorisation of knowledge that would learnt without knowing or caring where it was from nor what it'll be used for, and quickly forgotten once the exam had been sat for. Barely teaching the lessons that were most needed - how to function well in, and appreciate, and love, and live, a good Life.

...with a society that arose as a result of this system - the never-ending pursuit of ever increasing numbers, except grades are now replaced with pay grades. A society which has made its members' eyes shine not with gratitude and happiness at living in the best time in history to be alive, but with the cold, dispassionate light of calculating how to maximise shareholder value.
A society which rewards and recognises people who index for greed, selfishness, sociopathy, and the ability to accumulate resources beyond comprehension for personal gain; at the expense of love, compassion, empathy, and their own soul.

Disturbed... the vast disconnect humankind has wrought by his stunning engineering and technological marvels - the more we advance scientifically, the more we regress socially.
The high and thick skyscrapers become ivory towers in which we are safe; safe from commiserating and celebrating with our fellow man, safe from knowing that we are connected as a species, and a planet, and a universe. Unfortunately, not safe from the degradation of his own humanity.
... is a movement of people who've had enough of the merciless status
quo; of the ruthless rat race; of just plain being miserable. about thinking the thoughts and saying the words that lead you to finding and pursuing your purpose; doing the things, being in the places, and with the people that you love; about living your most authentic life, full of passion and joie de vivre because you are thoroughly, and indubitably,
We inspire, encourage and help each other to live lives of our own design - ensuring everyone finds and achieves their purpose, thereby finding happiness, fulfillment, and eventual enlightenment.
join the tribe