We have observed that the vast majority of people make choices and life decisions that are contrary to the paths which will make them happy and fulfilled, because of several factors; ignorance, fear, external
pressure - from peers, family, society. They follow pre-programmed narratives
that further the interests and agendas of certain groups, but not necessarily their own, and are oftentimes at the expense of the individual, resulting in becoming discontent, overstretched, and frequently, downright miserable - filled with RAGRETS.

We want to inspire and enable you to blaze your own path, and follow your heart with courage and conviction. To consider your personal purpose and to awaken you to the possibility that you can lead a life of your own design; doing what you love, helping people in areas you enjoy, while still being able to lead a comfortable lifestyle.

Our vision is a of world where everyone has the time, freedom and capability to do what they love, achieve self-actualization, and
self-transcendence. We sincerely believe that from pursing our passions spring our best work, and the happiest, most balanced, and most fulfilled life: a life with NO RAGRETS.